Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Good day everyone!  Of the late, I've been receiving questions about bare walls that folks have in their homes.  What to do with a wall that is bare and you really can't put any art work there?! Confusing eh?  Not to worry, tile at your rescue.  Go to your local tile store and look for accent tile.  You ask, what is accent tile? Accent tile is basically any type of tile that fills your space and looks pretty! It could be glass tiles, textured tile or even regular tile with decorative tile mixed into it.

I have some fabulous ideas to share with you! One of my favorite products is glass mosaics! Mosaics come in many different colors and sizes. Mosaics are basically small pieces of glass tiles that have been mounted together on a sheet. Note below how there are small pieces of glass tiles which are on a 12"x12" sheet bonded by glue.  These sheets are also very flexible and easy to cut.  Simply take scissors and cut between the tiles to get it to any size of your choice.

To install Apply a very thin later of a good quality adhesive smoothly all over the back of the sheet. It is like applying butter on a piece of bread!

Glass mosaics are ideal for accent walls, bathroom walls, staircase risers and kitchen backsplash.  I would advise against having glass tiles installed on the floor as it has more chances of cracking unless you install it in non-high traffic areas. 

Some tips for you in regards to purchasing glass mosaic.
1.  Always inspect the glass tile before picking it up.  Open the box, and verify that the material is correct. If the tile store refuses or gives you attitude, insist on it, check the material in the box.  After you open the box, check for variation in color, size, etc.
2.  Glass is translucent so please make certain that you use white bonding mortars.  If you buy mortals of different colors then if may effect the look of the installed product.
3.  Take a moment to refer to Tile Council of North America ( - they have installation instructions for all types of products.

Glass tile is beautiful product! It will jazz up any bare wall that you may have in your home or business!

If you are searching for a certain type of product then please email me at, and I will be more than happy to help you find it!

Please take moment to leave comments and/or constructive criticism.

Here are some lovely glass mosaic designs.....enjoy!
A very blue bathroom! Looks like the ocean welcomed itself into this serene! 

A very soft and contemporary bathroom used with modern tiles.

Another contemporary bathroom with two types of glass tiles - loving it.

Look at the accent wall which look fabulous with those glass tiles!

Now this is a dreamy bathroom - love the mosaics!

A very clean and simple bathroom - very welcoming!

A Hollywood style bathroom with Carrara Marble floors and glossy blue metallic mosaic.

Such a classy kitchen! 

Soft, white bathroom! yes, you can find white glass tiles!

Will be back with more soon......................
Sognare Tile, Stone & Sinks
2031 E Cerritos Ave. Suite 7G
Anaheim, CA 92806

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