Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's one of those days when I want to write about life and not tiles.  Yesterday, I had an opportunity to talk to a very wise client, he spoke about life, family and positivity.  Sometimes, certain people walk into your life so that you can take a step back and THINK about your life.

Since yesterday, I have been thinking about my life.  Ever since I decided to start my business, all I do is stress, worry and pray for more.  I have not taken the time out to enjoy, smile and thank for all the things that I DO have. I constantly find myself wanting and praying for materialistic things, and ignore to give thanks and be happy with what I have?

 Are we as society just in it to get that modern mansion, Aston Martin, Chanel, Christian Louboutin and Hermes? Have we forgotten the true meaning of life? Do we spend time with our family? Do we take time out to smile? Do we appreciate our spouse, parents, children and family? Do we say encouraging words to anyone? Do we make an effort to make someone smile? Do we stand by people when they need us? Do we give money more importance than compassion? Have we all become so money-oriented that we have forgotten that it will not come with us to our grave?

I have to admit that I am guilty of some of these things, and social media doesn't help! People are taking their lives because they can't deal with the pressures of "keeping up" with others. Some think that they are not providing for their families as they should so they go into depression and then take a harsh step resulting in loss of life.  WHY? Why are we as society so engrossed in these things, and I wonder what we can do to not continue on this path?  I am so scared for the scared for people who are not strong enough to understand that even with little, we can be very happy.  Are we as society contributing to this by posting our wealth on social media?

Lately, I have read of so many suicides that teens and adults are committing because they are giving up on life because their life just doesn't seem as good as their friend's life.  C'mon society, let's become people who lift others up and not brings them down.  It is great to have money, kudos to you, but please be humble and be thankful.  There is never a good reason to make another feel jealous or to make someone else feel bad.  You are in a world where you have so much power via social media, use that power to uplift someone, to make someone smile, to make someone feel good about themselves - help restore someone's faith in humanity!

To those who think you are not good enough - YOU ARE WRONG! If you are breathing, if you are alive - you have the opportunity to do something.  The road to success is not easy and is full of challenges, but keep a smile on your face and know that you can do it.  Always remember that the universe will help you achieve your goals only if you remain positive! Believe that you are capable of doing it! Go out there and prove every single one of critics wrong.  Above all else, do it for yourself - YOU can do it.  Please, please don't give up! If everyone started giving up then imagine how sad this world would be.

Ok. I am officially done with my sermon for the day - I will be back next week with more tile stuff not this deep life stuff.....

Have a spectacular day!

* I have recently started writing a blog so please excuse my grammatical errors :)

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